Monday, July 7, 2008

Welcome to the Cluster 3 blog!

Hello students, parents, and guests, and welcome to the official blog for UCSD COSMOS Cluster 3: Living Oceans and Global Climate Change. The intent for this site is for the students to use it as an online journal to keep the world up to date with everything they are learning and doing here at COSMOS. Parents, check back often to see what your students are saying! Each student in the cluster will post to this specific blog; if you would like to check out the other clusters, we have links to them on the right side of the page.

Students, you aren't expected to post every single day, but we'd like you to try to post at least twice a week. The posts themselves don't have to be too long and detailed, but you should try to write at least a paragraph. You can also post pictures if you'd like to. Please keep in mind that these blogs will be monitored by staff and you are expected to uphold the COSMOS standards as outlined in your student handbook.

If you need any help posting, Blogger's help site is here or you can come ask Adam in the COSMOS Office.

Have fun!

1 comment:

MS said...

So it's the fourth day of our adventure here at COSMOS and somehow it feels like I been here forever. I guess I'm still trying to decide whether that's a good or bad thing, but as each day goes by, I get more and more used to the environment. As far as the classes go, I have no complaints, the teachers are great and the material is facinating. I only wish the weather were a bit nicer and that we could actually get out in the water and explore. It seems as though everyone's a bit bummed about our lack of cluster field trips, but the aquarium tomorrow should be a blast...